July 13, 2007

Save a child

Urgent: Your Elected Officials Need to Hear From You Today!
Tell Them to Cover All Nine Million Uninsured Children This Year

take action todayOver the past ten years, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) has been effective at reducing the number of uninsured children. However, nine million children are still uninsured, millions more are underinsured, and the number of uninsured children is on the rise — government data indicates that the number of uninsured children increased by 294,000 from 2004 to 2005. That means millions of children in America are not getting the care they need to lead healthy and happy lives.

Funding for SCHIP expires this year and at any moment Congress will consider renewing the Program and ultimately decide how many children will remain uninsured. We must send Congress the message that anything less than health coverage for all children is unacceptable.

Through your efforts and hard work we've accomplished a lot these past few months — CDF supporters have sent thousands of emails and made hundreds of calls to their Members of Congress and we now have over 1,100 endorsing organizations — but your help is needed now more than ever.

Take a few minutes right now to make sure your voice is heard! Send an email to your Senators and Representative to tell them they must use this opportunity to expand and improve children's health coverage so that all children and pregnant women — not just some — are guaranteed comprehensive, easy-to-obtain health and mental health coverage. It's easy, it only takes a few minutes, and children cannot wait.

Take Action Today

We need your help in getting this message to your elected officials - let them know that you support covering all children in America and that they must take the smart and right action to improve the lives of millions of children. Children should not have to suffer the consequences of decisions that they cannot control.

Thank you for giving a voice to the nine million uninsured children in America.

— Children's Defense Fund

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