We are getting ready for the 2011 Berkeley CROP Walk. Here is the 10k that we will be walking together on Sunday, April 3rd
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February 22, 2011
March 16, 2010
On April 25 our church will be participating in a CROP walk. Here is a map of the 2.8 mile walks that we will be doing.
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November 3, 2009
Standing Up for Children - Sunday, November 8
I am doing something this coming Sunday (November 8) for the sake of all those kids I have sung with over the years and who I will sing with in the future and all those kids that just need a song... I will be joining with people all over the US on a Stroller Brigade. I will be joining others at the San Francisco City Hall to send a message that all our kids need health care from the time they are born. The new healthy care reform does not guarantee this for all our kids. Join Myrna and me as we push a stroller for health care for all our children.
June 17, 2009
How to Video - how to turn Max into Mommy... Abracadabra
I end up spending lots of time with Max when everyone else is busy with their stuff. I must say it is quite a treat. So we do lots of our stuff... included in this is making videos it seems. Today while at Blue Canoe Coffee and Tea we came up with a game where we change each other into other people. It is pretty tricky so don't be surprised if Max turns you into something next time you see him. Enjoy!
June 16, 2009
What we learn at Sea Ranch

February 22, 2009
March 17, 2008
Peter's Test - March 16, 2008

So, what is it about us human beings? What's going on with people like Eliot Spitzer who have so much to loose but can not resist self defeating activities?
We look at the story about Peter and his heart breaking denial of his friend Jesus. You can look at the passage in Matthew 26:69-75. Peter was one who led the way in laying down of cloaks for Jesus in the same breath can in a curse, denied even knowing the guy. In seeing what God is doing in Peter's life maybe we can understand our own journey this Holy Week.
You can listen to the sermon on the embedded player. Thanks for listening...
March 10, 2008
"Lazarus Laughed" March 9, 2008

I got the idea for the theme of this sermon from a play by Eugene O'Neill. In his play "Lazarus Laughed" he takes up the story of the life of Lazarus of Bethany where the bible leaves off... "unbind him and let him go...".
O'Neill has an interesting insight that Lazarus' deep sense of thanksgiving and joy brings a new kind of laughter to his life. This new gift of laughter not only changes him but is infectious to his community and everyone who comes in contact with him. In the sermon we reflect on this gift of profound, God inspired, I can believe my good fortune, laughter. We end with wondering what our lives might look like when we are "unbond and let go" as we are given new life by God.
You can listen to the sermon here.
It seems to be taking about 10 sec. for this recording to start. Thanks for listening...
February 26, 2008
Finding Jesus - 2/24/08

It is one of those weeks when I can't let go of last weeks sermon until I write a better ending. This particular sermon was delivered on the occasion of the baptism of Anders Berend Koop Elson. Now it's time to put this sermon too bed.
The text is Luke 2:41-52. It is the story of Jesus at 12 when his parents lost him for 3 days in busy Jerusalem during passover.
The story is one that we think Luke received from Mary (where else would it come from?). The story is about Jesus' "human" days with his human family. My reading of the text makes me think this could have been the story of many Jewish families who where raising their children up in the Faith; an exposer to the stories of the faith at an early age, participation in the life of the synagogue and it's people, going up with the community for the yearly celebration of Passover. A devote family indeed but not unusual in their village. It was their way of life... it was their life and it is in this climate that Jesus was being reared.
Now one of my questions of this text is why, of all the stories that could be told of Jesus' growing up years, did Luke decide to put this one in his "orderly account" of the life of Jesus?
I have two responses.
For one, Jesus was found, after three days, totally lost in the Stories. This is a 12 year old boy who did not find the stories of his faith unwanted homework but a fascinating and living history of God's (his father's) redemptive work in the world. It was the time of Passover and the stories of the Exodus where being told and discussed. I think it was Jesus' fresh reading of God's powerful and faithful action to save his people against all human odds that amazed those who heard his joy and insights.
In Jesus' day, a mother taught her son for the first couple of years. As a young child the father would take over this teaching responsibility. At 12 a boy moved into adulthood. Now his teacher became the text, those old stories of God's redemptive work in his world; the work of love and justice - of compassion and grace - of freedom and faithful service. It was this text that was to lead him as he entered into the work of his Father in the world.
I also think Luke included this story of Jesus at 12 to engage the all important 12 year old audience. What 12 year old, who has been given the opportunity to "wonder" about this story, has not delighted in the contours of how it plays out; on his own for three days in the big city, impressing everyone with his wit and insights, even the freedom to respond to his parents with a little 12 year old "I know it all" sarcasm. Mary reminds us that he was a good boy (he was obedient to them) but Luke reminds us he was a 12 year old in all the glory of one coming to himself as he grows up in the wisdom and knowledge of God. What a role model to have at 12! I think Luke wanted more 12 year olds (and kids in general) getting up close and personal with this amazing Jesus.
So the new ending... You can check out the recording of the sermon to hear the new end (when I get it posted). I got so crazy about what I missed that I went back in the studio (well the sanctuary) to rerecord.
Enjoy... and as always drop me an email, or call me, and let me know what you think.
Recording coming soon...
February 17, 2008
Called Like Abraham - 2-17-08

It seems to be taking about 20 sec. for this recording to start. Thanks for listening...
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